EDEN's office hours are 8:30 am - 4:45 pm. While appointments are encouraged, vendors and visitors will be permitted at HQ or any EDEN site. Please call our main line 216-961-9690 for scheduling. | Questions? Email edeninfo@EDENcle.org and we will respond.

EDEN housing programs build stability and a path for a better future

A Message from Elaine Gimmel, Executive Director

A colleague reached out to me yesterday to let me know that he was meeting with a Program Director of a health care system. She shared with him that she, her mother, and siblings were on an EDEN housing subsidy for over 7 years.  She told my colleague that she credits her success and ability to obtain higher education because her family had access to EDEN’s stable housing and support systems. Her mother sadly passed away, but she and her siblings are doing well. They all work in the healthcare field. 

This is just one of hundreds of success stories that exist. We easily become so focused on the problems created by the trauma of homelessness that we sometimes forget that EDEN’s housing programs make a crucial difference in many people’s lives.

TrishaBecause they have a safe, secure home with access to resources to help them succeed, they are able to reach their goals. They can improve their health, reconnect with family and friends, learn new skills, secure employment, volunteer to help others, and take pride in their progress. There are no limits to what they can hope to achieve. 

EDEN is able to make such a significant impact only because organizations like yours step up to provide the resources we need to continue to increase the number of people we serve.

What Does EDEN Do?

EDEN’s mission is to provide housing solutions to people facing the challenges of housing insecurities and homelessness. To do this, we work closely with community and government partners to leverage available resources and implement proven housing strategies and related supportive services.

EDEN develops, owns and manages housing, administers rental assistance programs, and provides homeless prevention funding mainly to residents of NE Ohio.   

Our focus is on providing housing for individuals and families experiencing homelessness, those living with a disability, veterans, survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking, and persons with justice involvement. 

BruceWe can carry out this critical mission only because we have the support of generous partners like you!
In 2023, EDEN programs provided housing assistance to 4,623 households / 8,089 individuals. This means that almost 8,100 individuals were not homeless because of EDEN housing programs. In addition, Norma Herr Women’s Center provided temporary shelter to 1,109 homeless women. Imagine the impact on the community if every one of those women could achieve housing!  

We have big goals, but we cannot achieve them without you!

We have done all of this in spite of difficulties like staffing challenges, construction delays, and economic turbulence. Most of our funding comes from public sources which have very strict limitations on use and do not allocate the amount we actually need to meet our administrative costs and infrastructure. Your support will provide the core operating support that will enable EDEN to move more people into our housing programs … next week, next month, and next year.

It takes five people who care to make a significant difference in the lives of people who are experiencing a housing crisis. Please join EDEN’s Annual Appeal by donating a set amount each month via PayPal at www.EDENcle.org/support … you pick the amount that you feel would make the greatest impact in resolving homelessness in northeast Ohio.

Thank you for your faith in EDEN. And thank you for believing that a safe home is the foundation for health and stability for those experiencing housing instability and homelessness!

Elaine Gimmel

Elaine Gimmel
Executive Director

2024's Achievements

Increasing our Housing Footprint

Earlier this year, we completed the renovation of a property which is now being used as a temporary shelter for half of the residents of Norma Herr Women’s Center so that we can renovate the original Center and create a new, non-congregant, gender-neutral shelter that will be adjacent to this building. Together, these properties will serve as a welcoming campus offering dignified shelter and a safe and supportive environment for people to access vital services and move toward independent living.

The LotusIn November, residents will begin moving into The Lotus, a 50-unit supportive housing development designed to housing for young adults ages 18-24 who are experiencing homelessness. It includes both 1- and 2-bedroom units to ensure adequate space for the roughly 25% of young adults who are parenting while being unhoused. It will provide space for recovery from the trauma of homelessness and the events that may have led to it. Providing a range of skill development opportunities, The Lotus is a stepping-stone for the next phase of life that meets young people where they are and provides them with the support and relationships they need to succeed.

Expansion Phase IIWe also finished construction and renovations on our Expansion Phase II Scattered Site Portfolio, which included a new fully accessible single-family home, a new 2-family duplex, and the rehab of a 4-unit building in Lakewood. Because of the unique architecture of the Lakewood property, we were able to add another 2-bedroom unit on the top of the building. The rehab included a completely reconfigured layout to open the kitchen up to a contemporary design, new bathrooms, new flooring, new LED lighting, new HVAC, and new windows. With energy upgrades and water-sense plumbing, the renovated property is now certified under LEED NGBS standards for energy efficiency and design.

Partnerships, outreach, and assistance programs leverage community resources to help people experiencing housing instability

Healthy Beginnings at HomeEDEN partnered with First Year Cleveland and The Centers to implement Healthy Beginnings at Home, providing housing and services to pregnant women experiencing homelessness with the goal to reduce infant mortality rates.

We continued to administer ERA 2 and Homeless Prevention and Diversion funds for Cuyahoga County’s Continuum of Care partner agencies. In addition to helping people without housing with security deposits and first month’s rent, these monies help people who are at risk of losing their homes to pay for back rent, utility arrearages, late fees, unit damages, and more.

Got units for rent? We began administering property owner incentive funds (OHMAS) for the MHARS Board in Lorain and ADMAHS Board in Cuyahoga County to encourage landlords to accept EDEN vouchers. HUD has determined that monetary incentives are most effective for recruiting participating landlords.

We were able to expand our Rapid Re-Housing program for survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking to enhance their housing options.

Please partner with us in our mission!

Please consider supporting EDEN in your 2024 end-of-year giving and 2025 budget! Visit www.EDENcle.org/support and complete the form.



Welcome to EDEN!

EDEN’s mission is to provide housing solutions to people facing the challenges of housing insecurities and homelessness.

volunteersEDEN recognizes that housing is a basic right of all people and is the first step in helping them transform their lives. We believe housing serves as a foundation to build stable lives, advance independence, and fulfill aspirations. We envision that, through our efforts, homelessness will be brief and rare; and every family will have a safe, secure place to call home.

All of our participants are economically disadvantaged, with 89.3% meeting Federal guidelines for extremely low income. We serve young adults aging out of the foster care system and seniors who have fallen into homeless due to health issues and/or having little to no income. Other participants include veterans and survivors of domestic violence or human trafficking. The majority have mental health and/or physical disabilities.

By supporting EDEN’s programs, you help those experiencing housing insecurities and homelessness in Northeast Ohio lay the foundation for stability by helping them to secure and remain in safe and stable housing.

Want to help us? Donate your time, talent and treasure to our cause. To learn more, click here or send an email.





Single Households


Family Households


Take Bus 25 and get off at the 79th & Madison stop






EDEN's mission is to provide housing solutions to people facing the challenges of housing insecurities and homelessness.

7812 Madison Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44102
Phone: 216-961-9690
Client Info Line: 216-634-0202
Property Owner Hotline: 216-503-6369
TDD/TTY: 800-545-1833, ext. 873
Fax: 216-651-4066
Office Hours: 8:30 am - 4:45 pm

© 2021-2025. All rights reserved. Emerald Development and Economic Network, Inc. (EDEN).