So that our staff can enjoy commemorate the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., EDEN will be closed Monday, January 20th, and will re-open on Tuesday.
• If you experience a housing emergency and need immediate assistance, please contact your case manager/housing provider or call 2-1-1.
• EDEN’s answering service will take messages for EDEN-owned properties only.
• If you have paperwork to drop off, please leave it in our dropbox at 7812 Madison Ave, Cleveland. Be sure to include your name and your Specialist’s or Property Manager’s name.
Please join us in celebrating his legacy!
Emerald Development and Economic Network, Inc. (EDEN) is a 501 (c)(3) agency.
EDEN is a contract agency of the Alcohol Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services Board of Cuyahoga County.
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In the summer of 1990, the Cuyahoga County Community Mental Health Board (CCCMHB), in its mission statement and strategic plan, identified persons who are severely mentally disabled and indigent as its top priority for services and housing over the next five years. It was determined that of the many and varied services and resources needed by mental health consumers, housing continued to be among the most pressing.
It had been proposed in the CCCMHB's original Housing Plan that a Housing Resource Center be established. In 1990, the CCCMHB undertook an effort to revise the original 1987 Housing Plan, and again the recommendation to establish a central housing agency was made: this time expanding the role to include housing development and management as well as information services.
On December 12, 1990, Emerald Development and Economic Network, Inc. (EDEN, Inc.) filed its Articles of Incorporation with the Ohio Secretary of State. On February 26, 1991, EDEN became fully functional after its first official Board meeting.
The CCCMHB (now the Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services (ADAMHS) Board of Cuyahoga County) re-affirms its commitment to housing the disabled population of Cuyahoga County by its annual allocation to EDEN.
EDEN's mission is to provide housing solutions to people facing the challenges of housing insecurities and homelessness. EDEN recognizes that housing is a basic right of all people, and the first step in helping them transform their lives. We believe housing serves as a foundation to build stable lives, advance independence, and fulfill aspirations. We envision that, through our efforts, homelessness will be brief and rare; and every family will have a safe, secure place to call home.
Beginning with one residence in 1991, EDEN has grown exponentially—yet judiciously—over the past 31 years. EDEN now owns and manages over 260 units of scattered-site housing for individuals and families who have a member with a mental illness. EDEN also owns and manages 800 units of Permanent Supportive Housing for chronically homeless individuals with an additional 50 units in development. The agency also owns Norma Herr Women’s Center, which is the primary shelter in Cuyahoga County for single adult women.
EDEN's first property at West St. James
EDEN also administers rental assistance for more than 3,500 households per month, focusing mainly on persons with disabilities and those who are homeless. This includes single individuals, families, and citizens re-entering our community from institutions. Additionally, EDEN is the primary provider of the Rapid Re-Housing Program (time-limited rental assistance) in Cuyahoga County.
Today, EDEN is a nationally recognized housing provider through our scattered site properties, Permanent Supportive Housing buildings, and rental voucher programs. While EDEN focuses on such housing activities as development, location, housing stability, landlord relations, inspection, maintenance, and management, the agency also partners very closely with dozens of community-based agencies to ensure tenants obtain the support services they need to improve their health and well-being and sustain permanent housing.
Housing is our foundation, and the linkage of housing and services is the key to the success of the participants we serve.
3 people
1 (scattered site property)
1 (22 units of housing)
Cuyahoga County
> 180 People
19 Different Short/Long Term
Rental Subsidies
13 Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Buildings
267 Scattered Site Units
Norma Herr Women's Center
More than 3,500 per Month
Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Lake, Lorain, and Stark Counties
A special thanks to the government agencies and private foundations that support EDEN and our mission: